
Importance of Mental Health in Children

The Mental health of a child is as important as their physical health. Parents frequently encourage sports participation to maintain physical health but sometimes miss recognising the importance of mental and emotional well-being. This lack of awareness can result in overly demanding schedules that strain a child's mental health. 

Mental health in children involves reaching key emotional milestones and developing the social skills needed to navigate societal interactions. How does mental health play a crucial role in a child's overall development? Let's delve into this question.

Understanding Mental Health in Children

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stress in life, be aware of their abilities, and contribute effectively to society. Studies show that children with good mental health feel safe, secure and loved by their parents and the people around them. Children with good mental health feel positive and are strong enough to tackle their problems. 

Studies and research show that the prevalence of mental health conditions worldwide has increased in recent years due to various factors. One in seven of the children in the age group of 10-19 are suffering from one mental health condition or the other, and this accounts for 13% globally. Anxiety, Depression, and Behavioural causes are some of the common conditions spotted among children. 

When it comes to ensuring that children are mentally strong, parents, teachers and counsellors have a crucial role. 

Factors that Influence a Child’s Mental Health

It is a known fact that children can be the most flexible, adaptable and the most buoyant individuals since they can bounce back from difficulties and setbacks. However, there are times when some actions or incidences can have a grave impact on the child’s mental health. 

The following are some indicators and factors that may impact a child’s mental health:

Family History of an illness

If there is a history of mental illness in your family, your child may be at risk due to both genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors can influence the development of certain mental health conditions like Anxiety disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectre Disorder. 

Environmental Factors

Like genetic factors, environmental factors can impact a child’s mental well-being. The mental health of a child depends on the kind of environment or surroundings that the child grew up in. Environmental conditions can affect them positively or can adversely affect their well-being. 

Exposure to Trauma

Apart from the genetic and environmental factors, sometimes traumatic events from the past can affect a child’s mental condition. When a child witnesses or experiences a traumatic event and is exposed to accidents, abuse, violence or loss of a loved one, they are likely to develop mental health conditions like Depression, Anxiety, etc. 

Brain Chemicals

The brain is the most vital part of the human body as it helps us to regulate our emotions through various chemicals like Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Adrenaline. So, when there is an imbalance in these chemical levels, it can affect our mood and may lead to various behavioural changes. For example, an imbalance in dopamine levels can lead to hyperactive or impulsive behaviours in an individual. 

School experiences

 A positive school environment, with supportive teachers and peers, can contribute to a child's mental health. Bullying, academic pressure, and social isolation can negatively impact a child's mental well-being.

Parenting Style

Apart from the factors mentioned above, the most important one is that a child's relationship with their parents can also have an impact on their mental health. The kind of interaction that the parents have with their children can impact their everyday lives. For example, if the parents are highly critical or authoritarian, or if they are not giving the child the required attention, then the chances of the child developing a mental health condition are high. If a parent struggles with mental health issues, it may affect the child's emotional well-being and development.

Signs of Mental Health Issues in Children

The signs and symptoms of mental health conditions in children can vary depending on the type of condition and its severity, and parents find it hard to identify the mental health condition in their children. But, parents must learn about the various warning signs to get help for their kids at the right time. 

These are the various signs and symptoms of mental health conditions that you can witness in children. 

  • Persistent sadness (that exceeds more than two weeks)
  • Lack of communication or social interaction 
  • Exhibiting extreme emotions or behaviour change.
  • Drastic changes in their mood, lifestyle and personality
  • Irregular sleep patterns and unhealthy eating habits
  • Inattentiveness or lack of concentration in academics
  • Changes in academic performance. 
  • Finding excuses to avoid going to school
  • Frequent outbursts or temper tantrums
  • Low self-esteem or excessive self-criticism.

How Mental Health Can Impact Their Wellbeing

Mental health conditions in children can impact their overall well-being, and the children may find it extremely difficult to cope with stress. The extremity of the mental stress that a child experiences mostly depends on the environment they grow up in, as it plays a vital role in shaping their life.

If the environment or the surroundings that a child grows up in are not friendly, then it can impact their mental health adversely. Some of the ways that it can affect them are:

It can impact their Emotional Well-being

Mental health conditions can lead to intense or prolonged sadness, anger, anxiety and irritability, and the children may find it extremely difficult to regulate their emotions, leading to frequent mood swings, and they may find it hard to cope with their everyday lives. 

It can impact their Cognitive Functioning

Mental health conditions can impact the child’s ability to concentrate, remember information and make decisions, affecting their academic performance and overall cognitive development. 

It can impact their Social Interaction

If a child is having a mental health condition, then they may distance themselves from their peers and avoid all kinds of social interactions. The main reason is that it can be difficult for them to understand social cues or they feel isolated or withdrawn from others. 

It can impact their Physical Health

The development of mental health conditions in children can impact their physical health as well. With the onset of mental health conditions, children may experience significant changes in their appetite and even develop unhealthy eating habits that can lead to other conditions like obesity or intensive weight loss. Apart from that, children may also develop irregular sleeping habits that affect their everyday lifestyle. 


How to Ensure a Child’s Mental Well-being?

A child must be mentally resilient to overcome major obstacles in the future. Parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals must ensure a child’s mental well-being. 

Role of Parents

Parents have a significant role in ensuring the mental health condition of their children. They can help and nurture them by providing a supportive environment, establishing a healthy relationship with their child, and teaching them effective coping skills. 

Role of Teachers and School Staff

In school, teachers and other staff members can help the children by providing them with a supportive environment, an inclusive learning environment, identifying the signs of distress in the student, and providing them with the required support and referrals to be on par with their classmates. 

Role of Healthcare Professionals

Psychologists, Psychiatrists and other healthcare professionals can address the various mental health concerns in children and provide appropriate diagnosis, treatment, therapy and guidance to support a child’s mental well-being.

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Agan Health is a psychological wellness and mental healthcare centre functioning to help children, adults, women, and the elderly suffering from psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, stress, ADHD and others to break their mental shackles and reinstate them into society.

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BDA complex, 717/1, 16th Main, 6th B Cross Rd, above Child Central Clinic, 3rd Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034


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